The Midwest Medication Safety Symposium (M2S2) was created to improve medication safety and patient outcomes through education and sharing across interprofessional health care teams.

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Live Webinar

Thursday, October 26th [5-8pm CDT] Medication Safety Bootcamp 101

Medication Safety Bootcamp 101 is a terrific medication safety primer that covers topics such as Terminology, Reporting/Trigger Tools, Prevention and Mitigation Strategies, Safety Behaviors, and Just Cultures/ Second Victim. Ideal for learners, new practitioners, or anyone who wants a refresher on current medication safety strategies.

Friday, October 27th [7:45am-3:30pm CDT] M2S2 Programming

Midwest Medication Safety Symposium (M2S2) is an annual interdisciplinary regional event with a focus on improving medication safety practices and patient outcomes through education of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nurses, physicians and the whole interprofessional health care team.

Programming Topics

Controlled Substance Diversion: Refocusing on Prevention Efforts to Support Patient Safety

Dripping With Safety: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Standardize Insulin Infusions

Lessons Learned from an Electronic Health Record Failure

Medication History Prioritization Score

Complete Drug Delivery and Residual Volume: Challenges and Lessons Learned

Utilizing the FMEA Process: U-500 Pens, To Do or Not To Do

Safety Pearls

Please note: all meeting times are in Central Daylight Time (CDT)

Register Now for lowest pricing until 9/30/2023

Washington University School of Medicine (

The Midwestern Medication Safety Symposium (M2S2) offers the latest in medication safety strategies while offering continuing education.

This interdisciplinary event was created to improve medication safety practices and patient outcomes through education of pharmacists and interprofessional health care teams.

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